Call for papers
Dear Colleagues,
Hand and upper extremity illnesses, injuries, tumors, primary and secondary recoveries of congenital anomalies, reconstructions, tissue transplantations and rehabilitatons are of great significance. With the latest developments in microsurgery, hand and upper extremity surgery have become more important and number of patients has increased. As a significant step in supporting the scientific development of this branch, our society has decided to publish its official scientific journal "Hand and Microsurgery". We believe that our journal will become quite significant in this area and will reach a wide audience by being indexed in reputable scientific indexes.
Hand surgery, which is becoming widespread as a sub-branch worldwide, is also accepted as a sub-branch according to the latest medical practice act in our country. We believe that the number of academic publications on field hand and microsurgery will increase soon. In our journal, we would like to include the rehabilitation studies, an essential part of hand surgery, and publish both the scientific papers based on previous experiences, thesis and academic studies of our colleagues. We aim to share these papers in international scientific platform. We believe that our journal will reach its aims with your valuable contribution as authors, reviewers and readers.
Hand and Microsurgery welcomes manuscripts of clinical and experimental research articles, basic studies, reviews, case reports, short papers including preliminary conclusions of a study, technical notes, letters to the editor related to diagnostic, treatment and prevention methods related to all pathologies such as hand and upper extremity tumors, infections, rheumatic diseases, congenital anomalies, traumas (including all upper extremity fractures and injuries of soft tissues, nerves and tendons, and brachial plexus), upper and lower extremity amputations, replantations, peripheral neuropathies and their repairs, composite tissue transplantations, wrist, elbow and shoulder arthroscopy including rehabilitation, splinting and physiotherapy of all these clinical pathologies for consideration, and published as well as abstracts presented at conferences, congresses and scientific meetings, and publishes without any full text.
Ethical Issues
All manuscripts presenting data obtained from studies involving human subjects must include a statement that the written informed consent of the participants was obtained and that the study was approved by an institutional ethics board or an equivalent body. This institutional approval should be submitted with the manuscript. Authors of case reports must submit the written informed consent of the subject(s) of the report or of the patients legal representatives for the publication of the manuscript. All studies should be carried out in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, covering the latest revision date. Patient confidentiality must be protected according to the universally accepted guidelines and rules. Manuscripts reporting the results of experimental studies on animals must include a statement that the study protocol was approved by the animal ethics committee of the institution and that the study was conducted in accordance with the internationally accepted guidelines, including the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Principles of Laboratory Animal Science, and the Handbook for the Care and Utilization of Laboratory Animals. The authors are strongly requested to send the approval of the ethics committee together with the manuscript. In addition, manuscripts on human and animal studies should describe procedures indicating the steps taken to eliminate pain and suffering.
The authors should also disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflict of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment. All financial contributions or sponsorship, financial relations, and areas of conflict of interest should be clearly explained in the cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief at the time of submission, with full assurance that any related document will be submitted to the journal when requested. For the details of journal's "Conflict of Interest Policy" please read the PDF document which includes "Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Statement".
Publishing ethics and plagiarism detection
We screen all submissions with iThenticate plagiarims detection software. Articles with significant plagiarism are immediately returned to the authors.
Manuscript Preparation
In addition to the rules listed below, manuscripts to be published in Hand and Microsurgery should be in compliance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals published by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) of which latest version is available at
Article Categories
The manuscripts should be prepared for one of the following categories which are peer-reviewed:
■ Clinical Research
■ Basic Research
■ Experimental Study
■ Case Report
■ Review
■ Historical View
■ Short Report
■ Technical Note
■ Letter to the Editor
In addition, the journal includes article categories which do not require a peer review process but are prepared by the Editorial Board or consist of invited articles, titled as:
■ Editorial
■ Viewpoint
■ Invited Review
■ Abstracts
■ Announcements
■ Erratum
Number of Authors
The author(s) must declare that they were involved in at least 3 of the 5 stages of the study stated in the Acknowledgement of Authorship and Transfer of Copyright Agreement as designing the study, collecting the data, analyzing the data, writing the manuscript and confirming the accuracy of the data and the analyses. Those who do not fulfill this prerequisite should not be stated as an author.
The number of authors should not exceed 6 for research articles, 4 for case reports and technical notes, and 3 for letters to the editor and reviews. In multi-center or multi-discipline studies, each authors contribution regarding the 5 stages mentioned above should be stated clearly. For this kind of multi-center or multi-discipline studies with excessive number of authors, the editor has the right to request that the number of authors be reduced.
Length of Texts
From the beginning of introduction to the end of discussion, clinical and experimental studies should not exceed 2500 words, case reports and surgical techniques 1500 words, letters to the editor 350 words. Manuscripts exceeding these limits will be returned to the author(s) to be shortened.
Sections in the Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be designed in the following order: title page, abstract, main text, references, and tables, with each typeset on a separate page.
Page 1 - Title page
Page 2 Title, abstract and key words in English
Page 3 and next - Main text
Next Page - References
Next Page - Table heading and tables (each table should be placed in separate pages)
Next Page Figure legends and figures (each figure should be placed in separate pages)
Title page
This page should only include the title of the manuscript, which should be carefully chosen to better reflect the contents of the study. Author names should not appear in the title and subsequent pages.
Except Letters to the Editor, texts should be min. 150 and max. 250 words and inserted to the two pages following the title page. Abstracts of research articles (basic and clinical research articles, experimental studies) should be structured in four paragraphs using the following subtitles: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Following the abstracts, each abstract page should include at least 3 key words, listed alphabetically, separated with semicolons and written in lower cases.
Main text
The sections in main text are defined according to the manuscript type.
In the Research Articles, main text should consist of sections titled as "Introduction, Patients/Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion". Use Patients and methods for clinical studies, and Materials and methods for animal or laboratory studies. Each title may have subtitles. The categories of subtitles should be clearly defined.
■ The Introduction section clearly states the purpose of the manuscript and includes a brief summary of the most relevant literature.
■ The Patients/Materials and methods section describes the study population and the study design, with adequate information on the techniques, materials, and methods used. A clear description of the statistical methods should also be given.
■ The Results section should provide a detailed report on the findings of the study. Data should be concisely presented, preferably in tables or illustrations, which should not exceed the page layout of the Journal.
■ The Discussion section should mainly rely on the conclusions derived from the results of the study, with relevant citations from the most recent literature.
In Case Reports, main text should be divided with the titles "Introduction, Case report, Discussion". Reported case(s) should be introduced clearly including the case story, and the results of laboratory tests should be given in table format as far as possible. The number of the references should be limited to 10.
The text of the Reviews and Historical View articles should follow the "Introduction" and be placed under clear subtitles. Tiles and subtitles should clearly define the text's context categorization. The Reviews are expected to include wide surveying of literature and reflect the author's personal experiences as far as possible.
Short Reports can be taken as summarized version that have been prepared according to the structure of research articles.
Technical Notes type of articles should be divided into "Introduction, Technic, Discussion". The presented technic should be defined briefly under the related title, and include illustrations.
Letters to the Editor should not have titled sections. If there is a citation about a formerly published article(s) within the text, reference(s) should be provided.
References used in the text should be directly related to the topic, as recent as possible and in enough numbers.
Reference within article:
References should be numbered in square brackets in the order in which they are mentioned in the text including Tables and Figures. Citation order should be checked carefully. Direct use of references is strongly recommended and the authors may be asked to provide the first and last pages of certain references. Publication of the manuscript will be suspended until this request is fulfilled by the author(s).
Reference list:
Only published articles or articles in press can be used in references. Unpublished data including conference papers or personal communications should not be used. Papers published in only electronic journals or in the preprint or online first issues of the electronic versions of conventional periodicals should be absolutely presented with DOI (digital object identifier) numbers.
Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. All authors if six or fewer should be listed; otherwise, the first three and et al. should be written.
The style and punctuation should follow the formats outlined below:
■ Standard journal article:
Geiger EV, Maier M, Kelm A, Wutzler S, Seebach C, Marzi I. Functional outcome and complications following PHILOS plate fixation in proximal humeral fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2010;44:1-6.
■ Article published in an only electronic journal:
Hughes SF, Hendricks BD, Edwards DR, Middleton JF. Tourniquet-applied upper limb. Orthopaedic surgery results in increased inflammation and changes to leukocyte, coagulation and endothelial markers. PLoS ONE 2010;5:e11846. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011846
■ Personal author(s):
McRea R. Clinical orthopaedic examination. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone; 2004.
■ Editor(s), compiler(s) as author(s):
Günal İ, BartonNJ, Çallı İ, editors. Current management of scaphoid fractures. Twenty questions answered. London: The Royal Society of Medicine Press; 2002.
■ Chapter in a book:
Wilkins K. Fractures and dislocation of the elbow region. In: RockwoodCA, Wilkins KE, King RE, editors. Fractures in children. Vol. 3, 3rd ed. New York: Lippincott; 1991. p. 509-828.
■ Conference paper:
Kouzelis A, Matzaroglou C, Kravvas A, Mylonas S, Megas P, Gliatis J. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: patellar tendon autogaft versus four strand hamstring tendon. In: Proceedings of the 9th Turkish Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress; 2008 Oct 14-18; İstanbul, Turkey. p. 223.
Figures and tables
All illustrations (photographs, graphics, and drawings) accompanying the manuscript should be referred to as figure. All figures should be numbered consecutively and mentioned in the text. Figure legends should be added at the end of the text as a separate section. Each figure should be prepared as a separate digital file in jpeg format, with a minimum 300 dpi or better resolution. All illustrations should be original. Illustrations published elsewhere should be submitted with the written permission of the original copyright holder.
For recognizable photographs of human subjects, written permission signed by the patient or his/her legal representative should be submitted; otherwise, patient names or eyes must be blocked out to prevent identification. Microscopic photographs should include information on staining and magnification.
Upon the authors request, color prints will be considered for publication; however, the authors are responsible for the extra cost of printing color illustrations.
Each table should be prepared on a separate page with table heading on top of the table. Table heading should be added to the main text file on a separate page when a table is submitted as a supplementary file.